Friday, February 25, 2011

Congreso Conselho Juventude distrito Liqiuca

Liquica, 17 Fevereiro 2011

Ohin Juventude Timor Leste iha Distrito Liquica, marka tan historia foun ida hoti hatuúr no afirma sira nia pozisaun iha Nasaun Timor Leste liu husi Cogreso loron 2 iha dia; 17 – 18 Fevereiru 2011, ho tema “Hatuúr no Reafirma Eksistensia Legalidade Nudar Orgaun Mahan, Hodi Luta no Defende Foin Saé no Proativu iha Prosesu Dezemvolvimentu Lokal no Nasional”.   Objetivu husi congresu ba dala II* nia objetivu:  Hili fali Estrutura foun ba Conselho Juventude Distrito Liquica ba Periodu 2011 – 2015;  Hamosu fali Planu Conselho Juventude Distrito Liquica ba tempu badak, klaran no tempu naruk;  Reafirma pozisaun CJNTL no CJD Liquica nudar organizasaun ho Karakteristiku: Nasional, Imparsial/indenpendente,  Demokratiku no Profesional;  Hametin politika parserial iha Nivel distrito ho entidade Estadu no Sosiedade Sivil.

Partisipante ba Congresu neé iha 200 resin, mai husi:  Reprezentante Juventude feto no mane husi suku 23 iha distrito Liquica;  Reprezentante  Juventude intelektual sira iha Universidade ida-idak iha Timor Leste;  Reprezentante Juventude husi Partidu Politik;  Reprezentante Juventutude Resistensia;  Reprezentante Juventude Arte Marsiais;  Reprezentante Juventude Juventude Religiozu/a sira.  Partisipa mos husi:  Presidente Komisaun Anti Korupsaun;  Secretario Estadu Juventude i Desportu;  Presidente CJNTL;  Administrador Distrito Liquica, no Xefe du sukus. Posted by JC

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Joventude tenki hadía STRUTURA atu Firmija hodi hakat ho Qualidade iha prosesu Dezemvolvemento Lokal no Nasional iha TIMOR LESTE

Liquica, 17 Fevereiro 2011
Presidente Conselho Joventude Timor Leste Leovigildo da Costa Hornai hateten lia hira neé iha Cogresu  Joventude distrito Liquica ho ojetivu atu  hatur  no reafirma eksistencia, ligitimidade nudar organ mahon hodi Luta no defende interece foin sa’e no proativu iha prosesu Dezemvolvementu Lokal ho Nacional atu hametin Strutura Organizasaun Joventude iha baze.  Joventude tenki  hases An husi  Organizasaun Masa partidu politiku no tenki hamrik independete ho  imparsialidade hodi  kontrola situasaun nebe horas neé mosu iha baze.  Presidente Conselho Nacional Joventude de Timor Leste ejiji ba Joventude sira tenki iha komitmentu atu halaó atividade ho responsabilidade, akontabilidade no transparancia  nunée bele garante lejitimidade dirigente Joventude nian .
Tempu hansan Secretariu Estadu Joventude Desportu, Miguel Manetelu fo sai katak  nudar Joventude future nasaun, tenki haketak interece privadu no la bele involve iha grupu partidu politik tanba Joventude iha esperito no nasionalismu ida nebe bot hodi compete iha professionalimu liu husi formasaun ida nebe saudavel.
Oportunidade neé Presidente Comisaun Anti Corupsaun  Aderito de Jesus hateten katak Joventude hanesan pilar importante ida atu kombate korupsaun tenki hatudo An liu husi Movimentu Nasional ida nebe forca hodi kontrola moras no kombate  korupsaun nebe horas buras iha TIMOR LESTE .
Parte seluk Administrador Distritu Liquica Leonel de Jesus Carvalho husu ba Joventude atu  disiplina wainhira atu sai dirijente ba organizasaun no sektores ida tanba neé husu ba Joventude Distrito Liquica tenki iha Esperito patriotismu, moral, krebilidade, no honeste ho transparancia iha wainhira sai dirigente iha Sociedade.  by: HL

Thursday, October 14, 2010

UNMIT: UN Police Adviser visits Baucau and Liquica Districts

Posted by: East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin 
Dili, 14 October 2010 – United Nations Police Adviser Ann-Marie Orler visited Baucau and Liquica Districts today to speak with officers of Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL), United Nations Police (UNPOL), and United Nations Formed Police Unit (FPU) and take a closer look at policing in Timor-Leste.

Commissioner Orler was briefed by UNPOL and PNTL in Baucau District on their experience following PNTL’s resumption of primary policing responsibility from UNPOL. Upon hearing from PNTL officers about the challenges of their work, she responded: “I feel a lot of commitment in this room. Try to be patient, and try to keep your commitment. I have a lot of trust in you for the future.”

In Liquica District, Commissioner Orler met with Timor-Leste’s first female PNTL District Commander Natercia Eufracia Martins. She discussed possible measures for increasing women’s involvement in policing in the United Nations.
“I have to express my appreciation to the only female District Commander. It is a great honour and pleasure and I would like to congratulate you as the commander. It demonstrates that women are not only victims, they also provide security” said Commissioner Orler.

When asked about policing in Timor-Leste Commissioner Orler noted that there is a positive relationship between PNTL and international police officers.

“The role of the UNPOL is to support, help and build on the capacity of the PNTL, and the role of the PNTL is to demonstrate good working relations,” she added.

Commissioner Orler expressed her appreciation for the welcome she received from all the police officers.
“It is a pleasure to be here with you and see what achievements you have done already and what challenges you are facing,” she said.

Commissioner Orler is on a five-day official visit to Timor-Leste. On her visit today she was accompanied by UNMIT Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho.

Commissioner Ann-Marie Orler was appointed United Nations Police Adviser in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in March 2010. Prior to that, she served as Deputy Police Adviser from May 2008. Before joining the United Nations, Commissioner Orler was a Police Commissioner with the Swedish National Police for some 20 years.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

PNTL resumes primary policing responsibilities in Liquica

Posted by TimorExpose
Dili - Today the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (SRSG) Ameerah Haq and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in the District of Liquica, 35 km west of Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste.
SRSG Haq noted that it was significant and commendable that Liquica would have Timor-Leste’s first female district commander, Natercia Eufracia Martins.
“An important milestone that deserves special mention today is the appointment of Liquica District Commander Martins who, as the first female district commander in Timor-Leste, now commands a district force of 100, including 24 females. Your remarkable and well-deserved achievement is testament to the advances in gender equality that are being made, not only within the PNTL, but also in many spheres of government and society as a whole in Timor-Leste,” said SRSG Haq.
“Maintaining long-term stability in the country will require a dedicated and professional police force that is committed to upholding the rule of law and respecting the human rights of all citizens,” she added.
The SRSG also pledged that the United Nations will increase its focus on the mentoring and support of PNTL officers, as requested by the national authorities and endorsed by the Security Council of the United Nations.
The Government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT are jointly implementing the resumption process in a gradual manner – district by district, unit by unit. The PNTL is assessed in each district by a joint team comprising Government and UNMIT representatives, including UN Police and the PNTL. The team applies mutually agreed criteria to assess the readiness of the PNTL to resume primary policing responsibilities.
The resumption process started in Lautem district in May 2009. It continued in the districts of Oecusse in June, and Manatuto in July, and with the transfer of responsibility for the administration and management of the Police Training Centre in September, and the Maritime Police Unit and the Police Intelligence Service in December. Also in December 2009 Viqueque became the fourth district in which the PNTL resumed responsibilities. In April 2010 the PNTL resumed responsibilities for Ainaro and Baucau Districts.
UN Police will maintain their presence in the districts where the PNTL have resumed responsibilities, in order to monitor, mentor, advice and support the PNTL in a partnership approach, including in the area of human rights protection. (TE)